Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Note: We arrived in San Francisco yesterday, but a lack of sufficient Internet speeds has left me to finish my blog at home, so keep checking back for tales of the remainder of our trip!

We ventured our way in to our final country, Switzerland, with Zürich being our first stop of three. The most striking things about Switzerland, and the first things you notice, have to do with the landscape. First, the water is impeccably clean and clear, giving it an almost tropical feel because you can see the different color blues as it goes from teal to sapphire. It makes you just want to jump in with all the ducks, swans, and coots. I was happy to be going to Europe but Hawaii has definitely been on my mind, so our time in Switzerland, especially Lausanne, will fill that void for me. Needless to say I'm down for this Thanksgiving or Christmas in Hawaii everyone has been talking about!!! The second thing you notice is the endless mountain ranges that seem to go on for miles, all the way to the snow-covered alps. Like the water, the air is also impeccably clean and clear so besides some clouds, the mountains are always visible. Whether you look up or down there is something beautiful to look at.